
Last gastric ulcer drugs - the duodenum

 Can gas can range (can spleen disharmony, wood carving spleen can brothels ...): There are 2 small:

Gaseous delay (also called air UAT): Patients with epigastric pain , intermittent pain, pain spreading to the two ribs, cross to the back, belly full of obstacles, tenderness (fasting), belching, heartburn, quality red tongue, tongue moss thin white or yellowish, the legendary circuit. The method of treatment can be air-gas (SOCAN award UAT). Use one of the articles:

Lesson 1: Restore leaves 10g, 10g little chit, dandelion 12g, 12g's ceiling, 12g ginseng leaf size. All powdered, day drink with 30 grams of boiled water.

Lesson 2: cuttle, licorice, the non-welded, calcined sample rate, rice, royal promotion, internal metal inventory equal. All dried, powdered drink Day 20 - 30g.

Lesson 3: Sai records can scale: 12g lean lake, identified only 8g, 12g white thược, licorice 6g, 8g cross frame, flavor additives 8g, 8g stick packaging. Sac drink on one scale.

If the pain much more hard work e 8g, 8g of households; heartburn many cuttle add 20g.

Can fire UAT: The many epigastric pain, burning pain, range project, heartburn dry mouth, bitter mouth, tongue quality red, yellow tongue moss, Isaac legendary circuit. Is the primary treatment method can dissipate heat, air bar position.

Use one of the articles:

Lesson 1: breaking for parts 16g, 8g virulence leaves, dandelion 16g, 8g bung grapefruit peel, turmeric 12g, 12g honeysuckle. Sac drink on one scale.

Lesson 2: Queen impressive 16g, 12g paint detail, superb inter 18g, corn revenge 2g, cuttle 20g, 20g malt, licorice 6g, 12g great apple. Sac drink on one scale.

Lesson 3: If the fire can hurt the sound card to use all "wet bar can": biogeochemical 12g, 8g particular painting, for parts 8g, 12g skeptical paint, scouts describe 8g, knitting packaging 8g, 8g current rules, only from 8 pm , lean lake 12g, 12g white thược, great apple 12g. Sac drink on one scale.

Welding can damage the spleen: Patients constant epigastric pain, vomiting, fatigue , like massage, hot packs, bloating, vomiting water, afraid of the cold, cold limbs, bowel sometimes crushed apples Fertilizers , white tongue moss, nature pale tongue, international circuit damage. Methods of treatment is high moderate pressure conditions, additional insulation spleen, moderate middle suing.

Use one of the articles:

Lesson 1: the father ginseng 12g, 20g rolled leaves, ginger 4g, male rustic flavor 10g, 8g sell off mode, cardamom 10g, bare 6g packaging. Sac drink on one scale.

Lesson 2: 16g imperial period, Jiang was born 6g, licorice 6g, 8g extra flavor, cinnamon spending 8g, white thược 8g, 12g great apple, sorghum khương 6pm. Sac drink on one scale. If bloating belching (stagnant air) added just right, rustic flavor 6g per second; Water splashing in the abdomen, vomiting water drop cinnamon expenditures, additional processing on sale 8g, 8g for parts.

Lesson 3: box 10 results tomorrow, parental processing 8g, cinnamon spending 8g, 8g economic front, ginseng class 12g, 18g promotion royal, imperial ventures 8g, 8g can Jiang, equivalent provisions 8g, 10g sa money. Sac drink on one scale.

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