
Last herbicide treat poor digestion shot

Grass owl called grass bears, bear tubers, bulbs sea bear, bear garden bulbs, marine accessories, they Sedge, as tall perennial grass species live 20-30 cm. According to Oriental medicine, cluster roots (roots) in the preparation of grass owl medicine called extra spicy flavor, slightly bitter, slightly sweet, as per ...
Bear Grass is grass long years of life; leaves small shallot, in the middle dorsal tendon emerged, stiff and glossy, the lower leaf stalks embrace; developed rhizomes and roots; solid or porous depending on the soil and roots from growing bigger or smaller. tubers to coast, long, better quality pharmaceuticals, often referred to as sub-sea flavor (flavor additives waters). In June, on the tree with 3 to 8 umbel inflorescence gray-brown; stigmas have nipples divided into two branches as fluff; 3 results gray edges. Nut grass can be harvested twelve years of. Usually, people digger on sand washed, dried, burning for burning off all his hair, take a dry place gradually started using drugs.

Grass owl
According to Oriental medicine, cluster roots (roots) in the preparation of grass owl medicine called extra spicy flavor, slightly bitter, slightly sweet; average calculation will be used to treat menstrual irregularities , show business abdominal pain, chronic inflammation of the uterus, stomach pain , poor diet consumption ...  Usage and dosage: On Using 6 - 12g. Form of decoction, powder, tablet, or high-alcohol drugs. Separately or in combination used in medicine and gynecology, stomach pain.
Method of preparation: Old grass owl feathers and remove impurities; rinse and drain somehow crushed or sliced ​​thin and pour the vinegar and stir well, incubated overnight, waiting to suck the fruit, the pan back on the fire to light yellowish, removed, dried. For every 10 kg Perfume women use 2 liters of vinegar.

Some remedies have extra flavor:
Relieve Menstrual irregularities: Perfume 3g accessories, utility model 3g, 3g wormwood, white female co-3g, water color; 3 divided doses during the day.
Want to menstrual, welcome drink business 10 days before the anticipated economic or near menstrual colic or flavor additives or processing powdered drink 10g day with water or hot wormwood. Use continuously for a month or even longer.
Abdominal pain, bloating, digestive disorders: Perfume extra 40g, 80g dried galangal (galangal root select small yellowish). Two things kept in a sealed container crushed, every drink 6 - 8 pm (children each take 2 - 4 g) with hot tea. Drink 3-5 days.
Treat poor digestion: Perfume women (stars) 12g, tangerine peel (stars) 12g, wife (stars) 12g, shell retracted (stars) 16g, 12g only identified. Sac drinking water for 5 days.
Cure colds , chills, headache, body aches: Perfume extra 12g, 10g shiso, tangerine peel 10g, licorice 4g, operating 3 plants, 3 slices fresh ginger, excellent drink (prescription Tue Tinh).

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