
Last antidote expression, nausea from patchouli

Patchouli Patchouli is also known ad, patchouli territory, the dried stalks and leaves of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth.), Of the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae). Some provinces in the country have used patchouli Mountain (Agastache Rugosus (Fisch. Et Mey.) O. Ktze, under their lips States (Lamiaceae), also known as Aboriginal patchouli, used as patchouli.


According to Oriental medicine, patchouli spicy, slightly temperate properties. On the economic pressure , the discarded. Effects of low-resolution expression, objective test, your condition, only reckless, primary treatment (eczema). Relieves lower back secondary objective, try low, moderate, vomiting, eczema sores limbs . Can be used daily 6 - 12g (dry) or 12 - 20 g (fresh).

Here are some remedies that use patchouli

1. Chemical low, the expression

Lesson 1: Patchouli 12g, multiple lan (mần irrigation) 12g. Excellent drink. Tri feel sunny summer, lightheadedness , chest pain , nausea, poor diet .

Lesson 2: Patchouli 12g, 12g packaging welfare agency, 12g for flexible, semi-lowering mechanism (ginger) 12g, 12g great apple, packaging bare 6g, 8g angelica, perilla 8g, 8g post-therapy, sand off 8g, fresh ginger 8g, licorice 4g. Excellent drink. Use internal injuries when cold birth, psychic welding room in the hot months, causing the stock headache , fever, cold , chest pain, bloating, diarrhea.

Lesson 3: patchouli, incense accessories, packaging ceiling, areca nut, cassava boat, fabric beads , fig leaf, bark and crow's feet, cedar wood, seo chicken, shell bottom, dip stick, equal doses, so dry, Full powdered do, sheathed with indigo powder. Take the medication with ginger juice. Cure dysentery.

2. Warm the stomach , nausea and vomiting

Lesson 1: patchouli leaves 12g, 12g bare packaging, selling to phase 12g, clove 2g. Excellent drink. Used for welding low patient was restrained inside, the air in the stomach does not break down, bloating, anorexia, vomiting.

Lesson 2: Patchouli 12g, 12g on sale processing, Atractylodes 8g, bare 8g packaging. Excellent drink. Treat gastritis , enteritis acute low of welding certification.

Lesson 3: patchouli leaves 12g, 12g dark party, sausage 12g for flexible, semi-lowering mechanism 6g, bare packaging 6g, Atractylodes 12g, 12g post-sketch, fresh ginger 3 slices, licorice 4g. Excellent drink while still hot. Abdominal distention full value, vomiting, loss of appetite.

3. Administrative gas, pain

Lesson 1: Patchouli 12g, 12g post-therapy, only 12g, 12g bar rustic flavor, cardamom 6g, 4g packaging ceiling. Excellent drink. For a bit of evidence in the stomach is not drained, abdominal distention, pain away.

Lesson 2: Patchouli 250g, ground into a fine powder. Use honey pork sufficient quantity, the processing done (or done DOM). Each dose of 4 g, 2 times, drinking warm water. May take 2-4 weeks of a session. Treatment of chronic rhinitis , sinusitis .

Lesson 3: Fresh Patchouli Test Strips work hard, summer cooking water instead of tea against heatstroke. Patchouli is effective antiemetics, but depending on the disease that reducers. For example: low temperature associated royal household, vinyl structure; spleen damage part dark party, licorice; vomiting due to pregnancy Sale on sale, cardamom ...

Intolerance: This medication can dry eager nature, compromising the sound card, gas consumption, the damage may sound without being low and weak preterm labor is not used.

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