Remote electronic money is dried ripe seeds of plantain (Plantago asiatica L.), is far from pre-draft the plantain or dried. In
far away cash and cash-mail discussion with saccharides compounds,
iridoids (aucubin, geniposidic acid) and flavonoids (plantagoside) ...
Here are some medicines have all the money away
1. Diuretics through forest
County code threads 12g, 12g tickle circuit, sea animals 12g, talc 20g, 12g fruit spend spend, carpentry information 12g, 8g rhubarb, licorice tops 4g, 4g published draft center. Excellent drink. Low-temperature treatment, urine drip and opaque, state leadership, blood in the urine , urethral pain and the cold stones.
Psyllium 20g or plantain 30g; excellent drink. Coordinate for flexible packaging 12g, 12g described scouts, Atractylodes 12g white; excellent drink. Tri edema, urinary not beneficial.
Code proceedings 125g, soot tree 125g. Excellent drink. Tri drip urine and blood.
2. Evaluation low, diarrhea
County code threads 20g, medlar 12g. Excellent drink, or add flour, water, rice, white sugar, mixed drink. Diarrhea.
County code threads 12g, 12g white for parts, except in 12g, 12g basil, 12g dark party, core wicks 4g. Excellent drink. Tri vomiting, diarrhea summer, mouth and thirst, urination is not beneficial .
3. Mat liver , eyes
County code threads 20g, honey butt flower 20g, 20g nuts sienna, white thistles 20g, 20g khương activity, expectorant draft 20g, 20g royal bird, flower of 20g. General Grind to a fine powder. Day 3 times, each 12g, with water to drink porridge. For evidence of disease caused by liver heat (thermocouple), red eyes , swelling pain.
Some menu medical plantains
Juice code problem : Code proceedings a handful of fresh, clean water pressure grinding (half a cup) white sugar and stir a bit more, drink. For advanced cases of primary, acute, dysuria ( urinary tract infections ...).
Porridge code offer fresh proceedings code 30 - 60g, 100g glutinous rice cooked into porridge, porridge cooked trash removal, add green onions, spices to taste. For the case of edema, diarrhea, urinary tract infection ...
Water electronic brake away money: money away from death 9g, braking phase rather drink tea. For patients with hypertension .
Porridge for flexible away money : money away from death 30g, 30g for flexible, rice 60g. Remote electronic money wrapped in muslin with rice cooked into porridge, porridge is the money away trash removal, add flour for flexible, less sugar, stirring to melt and boil them. Eat 2 times, for the case of pyometra , white blood .
Porridge remote electronic money: money away to death 15 - 30g, 100g rice. Remote electronic money wrapped in muslin water colors. Take decoction of porridge cooked with rice, add salt seasoning, hot day to eat 2 times (morning, afternoon). For elderly people with chronic tracheobronchitis , hypertension , urinary tract infection ...
Leaves of fresh money away 30 - 60g, 100g rice, green onions 1 bulb. Roman terrific trio water, cook the rice porridge, to act on. Effect: except phlegm, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, reduces cholesterol blood.
Taboo: Do not use in cases of damaged spleen welding, portable satellite operation or lowering spleen damage.
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