
Colitis - Need another solution!

Refractory, recurrent!

 Colitis is very difficult to treat severe, persistent and frequent recurrence, significant impact on the health and life of the patient. Why?
The first reason is because the colon mucosa of patients were severely injured after a long illness, so it is prone to irritation caused by pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, toxins, ... That's why people with colitis often appear uncomfortable symptoms of the disease when eating unhygienic food, feed roller, food overnight, ...
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Second, the treatment usually only pay attention to the anti-inflammatory drive using antibiotics. But antibiotics kill harmful bacteria also kill beneficial bacteria are in the intestinal tract, colon mucosa makes unprotected due to imbalance of intestinal flora.
Third, 70% of the body's immune system was created in intestinal bacterial useful stimulate the immune system to create antibodies to protect the body. However, in people with colitis, beneficial bacteria have been killed by the bad bacteria to antibiotics and the immune system is weakened under.

And finally, the products currently on the market only focus on treating the symptoms of diseases such as diarrhea, reduce bloating, antibacterial, ... that is not focused on the restoration of the colon mucosa compromised injury, do not make us healthy bacteria were born more, does not help the immune system of the body to health.
Four reasons help to explain why people with inflammatory bowel disease is often recurrent and difficult to cure.

What Spirit costume?

Spirit costume with 3 components:
ImmuneGamma®: ........................ ..100mg
High White Atractylodes: ........................... .100mg
Ginkgo for parts: ........................ .50mg
ImmuneGamma as biotechnology products, can be considered as a breakthrough for colitis patients , for three outstanding effects for the human body:
  • To strengthen the body's immune system
  • Balance of intestinal bacteria
  • Rehabilitation and restoration of the colon mucosa
In particular, work to restore the colon mucosa is outstanding and makes the most sense. Also Immunegamma, so far no products on the market have this effect.
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Picture: ImmuneGamma been studied by Biotech Research Institute, USA and technology transfer in Vietnam in 2009
To overcome the symptoms of disease, as the effects of the two-dimensional high-White Atractylodes promote good use of it in costume parts: the intestinal irritation (ie diarrhea) White Atractylodes reduces arousal to peristalsis, thereby diarrhea. Conversely, when the intestines are inactive (ie constipation), White Atractylodes will help peristalsis more excitement to treat both constipation.
Bach also for parts reduces flatulence, bloating, diarrhea.
Three components contribute to excess use for costumes Spirit
1 - Helps balance of friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract, strengthen resistance, colon mucosal regeneration and enhance digestive health
2 - Helps prevent and support the treatment of colitis acute and chronic
3 - Helping to overcome the symptoms quickly as diarrhea, abdominal pain, diarrhea several times, digestive disorders.
* User:
Prevention and increase resistance: 4 tablets / day; 2 divided doses.
Support cure of colitis and chronic levels: 6 tablets / day; 2 divided doses.
Drink 30 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after eating.
Because to have a superior immune system and recreate the entire mucosa to a period of at least 2 months, so it's best to use a continuous period of 3-6 months. For the first time due to the immune response, can some symptoms may come back, but persevered to overcome this time, intestines will stabilize and "solid" than, no further recurrence. This is the sum of many patients who use costumes Spirit. You can refer here to be able to have the most appropriate treatment for their disease.
Regarding diet, during treatment should abstain from food but far easier irritate you as fishy maps, live, unprocessed foods ky.Sau 3 months to stabilize intestinal you able to eat again slowly bit by bit to get used to the body. The goal of the Spirit costume after 6 months you can return life to normal diet, even drinkable beer, wine back.
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Photo: TPL's goals after 6 months you can go back to eating normal life
A further major advantage of Spirit costume is safe to use for pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children. This is the stage that absolutely should not take antibiotics, medications or other symptoms if there are problems with digestive disorders or inflammatory bowel level. Especially for young children, because powder outfit very fragrant medicinal Spirit, not bitter so parents can open the capsules and drink to children directly with the dose by half the adult dose, very safe, but effective.

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