
Gastrointestinal disorders, causes what?

Dyspepsia is a very common phrase used to refer to a group of symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, severe diarrhea, which is often attributed to gastrointestinal infections and for ...

(SKDS) - Dyspepsia is a very common phrase used to refer to a group of symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, severe diarrhea, which is often attributed to gastrointestinal infections and antibiotic though ... in many cases, digestive disorders unrelated to infection
The first question - Infection or not?
Before any cases of gastrointestinal disorders (RLTH) any question first posed as patients with infections or not? These factors may suggest infection include patients with fever, dry lips, tongue dirty; Incubation time (the time of the bacteria to multiply enough to cause illness since the bacteria enter the body) and the characteristics of the symptoms, such as eating less than 4 hours after the symptoms appear certified as intense diarrhea, vomiting, tachycardia, hypotension, ... Signs indicating infection with Staphylococcus toxin foreign gold (Staphylococcus aureus).
Rối loạn tiêu hóa, nguyên nhân gì? 1
Aureus bacteria causing RLTH.
This type of bacteria grow rapidly developing in spoiled food, highly toxic and cause symptoms of severe sepsis; symptoms appear after eating less than 8 hours associated cranial nerve palsies as facial palsy, paralysis of throat ... a sign of poisoning caused by Clostridium botulinum, the bacteria is capable of spores (hard shell ), long storage life of meat as canned meat, meat in the refrigerator, toxic effects on the neurons causes paralysis; If the incubation period over 12, have a high fever, abdominal cramps, a solid, blood nasal mucous diarrhea, dysentery bacilli can become infected (Shigella dysenteriae), dysentery amoeba (Amoeba) or infected with E. coli bacteria, the circuit separation temperature (fever but not fast circuit); Typhoid (Salmonella); Stool opaque as rice water, no fever can get cholera (Vibrio cholerae) or E. coli indescribable, ...
When questioned RLTH due to infections, need to do more tests such as CBC, CRP, procalcitonin, blood cultures, implants or Pap smears feces find erythrocytes, leukocytes and bacteria.
If there is uncertainty due to infections RLTH, in addition to rehydration, electrolyte regimen, antibiotics should definitely be used to kill bacteria. Depending on the circumstances, antibiotics are often used as Biseptol, amoxicillin, antibiotics Quilonone, aminoglycoside, Metronidazole ...
Rối loạn tiêu hóa, nguyên nhân gì? 2
Silkworm pupae are hypoallergenic food.
Identify other causes ...
Once the preliminary determination is not due RLTH patients with infections, to find the cause of other diseases. Food allergies are groups RLTH common cause in fact and symptoms usually appear immediately after eating. The protein "weird" food can be antigens, antigens sell for people with allergies as well as high levels of histamine that causes symptoms RLTH. The foods or allergens are milk, eggs, yogurt, fish, crustacean group (crab, shrimp, squid, clams ...), silkworm pupa, bee larvae, turtles, eels, scouts, wheat, peanuts, parking, ... Particularly, there are some cases where the type of food allergy and anaphylaxis (tachycardia, hypotension, cramps glottis ...) when eating sea food or eating pineapple (pineapple or fungus Candida tropicalis allergens very strong).
When patients were identified as RLTH by food allergies, the first immediately remove allergy causing agents by inducing vomiting or gastric lavage if patients eat within 6 hours and depending on the severity of symptoms. Then a drug will be used to manage patients as antihistamines, corticosteroids and in case of anaphylaxis should be used immediately adrenalin.
A leading cause common in our country today it is RLTH poisoning of plant protection chemicals in fruits and vegetables. Our country is an agricultural country with an area of ​​growing rice and vegetables are great. This means that to use regular types of plant protection chemicals (pesticides) (insecticides, herbicides, fungi, parasites ...), these drugs stimulate growth. All of these chemicals can cause poisoning if the content in vegetables exceeded permitted levels.
Rối loạn tiêu hóa, nguyên nhân gì? 3
Chemical residues in fruits and vegetables as well as the cause RLTH.
The chemical plant protection is now a major groups of organic phosphorus, organic chlorine, carbamat, pyrethroid, and a number of other substances such as aldicarb, camphechlor, herbicides ... If poisoning, after eating RLTH phenomenon has occurred and the symptoms associated with toxic substances (eg, cold pale skin, small pupil contraction, bradycardia, increased sputum available, bronchospasm of organic phosphorus poisoning ...). On examination, the patient, the physician must be very note mining history (meals rich in fruits and vegetables) and examination to find symptoms of poisoning. Cases of poisoning, when admission will be determined toxin type and severity for the timely antidote to the patient.
A further cause is due RLTH toxins in food. Animals as food poisoning due bufotoxins toad, puffer fish poisoning by tetrodotoxin ... Food poisoning plant roots as early as aconitin ship, cassava poisoning due ... cyanhydric acid poisoning symptoms of substance disorder manifested by heart rate, purple, hypotension associated RLTH as described above. Patients with any type of poisoning is specific treatment for each type of toxin.
The additives in foods while also becoming "toxic" if concentrations exceed the permitted level. Similarly to the food colorings "eye" is more RLTH culprit for many consumers.
... To give the correct treatment
Thus, RLTH absolutely not a simple story and circumstances, antibiotics and diarrhea medicine. Depending on the circumstances, causes RLTH must be considered carefully before deciding to medical treatment.

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