
Last gastrointestinal medicines from galangal root

In traditional medicine, galangal root fragrant spicy, warming to two economic pressure and position, with moderate effect, pain, food consumption, abdominal pain due to cold, rheumatism , malaria, black pipe, versicolor ...
Galangal is a small plant trees, creeping rhizomes horizontal length. Inflorescence of white face, edge slightly
thin, attached two mo shaped bracts, one blue, one white. Leaves sessile, with sheath, the long label. Cu galangal called feng Jiang, Jiang higher salaries, wages sub Jiang, had (Thai), Kim Sung (Dao). In our country, galangal wild plants and are grown everywhere, not just used as a spice, but also be used as drugs. Division medicinal roots (tubers) dried. Recipes: digging roots, soil washed, cut off the roots and cut into sections 2 - 3 cm, dried. Galangal is used both modern medicine and traditional medicine. According to modern research, the chemical composition of galangal about 1% essential oils, fragrant camphor, mainly xineola and metylxinnamat. In addition, there are substances called galangola spicy oil is used to make the drug stimulates digestion, cure bloating ...
Last medicines using galangal
Abdominal pain due to cold: 20g galangal root, bud sim 8g, 60g guava leaves, all dried, powdered. Day after eating 3 times, each time with 5 grams of boiled water. 200g or galangal root, cinnamon 120g, 80g post-therapy, dried. Sac drink per 12g with 200ml of water, and 50 ml drink of the day. Used in 2-4 days.
Relieve arthritis : galangal, tangerine peel, 60g each of perilla seed, dried, pulverized, each use 4g, can be mixed with one cup of boiled water or alcohol, drink 2 times. Used in 5-7 days.
Cure Malaria: 300g galangal powder, cinnamon powder dry, cardamom powder 100g per second, all brought mixed with honey made ​​by members to corn. Each 15-days before a seizure. Or sesame oil soaked stars 40g galangal, ginger 35g pulverized dry roasted, honey pig complete harmony with members corn, drink on 15-20 members.
Treat bloating, indigestion: sliced ​​galangal, bring salted sour, as you can shut with some salt or swallowing slowly. On used 2-3 times.
Stomach pain caused by damage to solder (pain with certain time, having a cold or hungry much pain, bloating, vomiting water, loose bowel, eating delicious, afraid of cold, pale tongue, white tongue moss, pulse depression ): galangal root, flavor additives each position 8g, lis, knitting ginseng each of 30g, 10g box pharmaceutical, 7g cloves, cardamom 4g. Sac with 3 cup water 1 bowl, divided 2 drinks per day. Used in 5 days.
Cure black pipe: 100g old galangal root, crushed, soaked with alcohol or alcohol 200ml 70 degrees. Extracted using gradually, when used, applying the above alcohol solution into the lesion, date applied 2-3 times.
Cure vitiligo : 100g galangal root, leaf and root Sorrel 100g, lemon a result, two things smashed and squeezed lemonade, heated. When users retrieve absorbent cotton health care lotions are on the injury, apply 2 times day. Used in 5-7 days.
Cough , sore throat , poor digestion: sliced ​​galangal root, pickled bring, as you can shut with some salt or swallowing slowly.
Treat indigestion, nausea or abdominal pain Cholera: Galangal crushed nuts, drink 6 - 10g.
Cure welding damaged spleen, abdominal pain, abdominal boiling, liquid bowel part: 12g galangal, White Atractylodes 12g, 16g guise leaves, guava leaves 16g, Jiang was born 6pm. Given the position warm poured into 3 bowls bowl decoction taken 1.5. Share orally 2-3 times a day.
Cure diarrhea several times, feces and saliva, crying in children: nostalgic paint 10g, 10g humiliation, galangal root 6g, White Atractylodes 10g, 10g sea beans, post-therapy 4g, 6g bare packaging, Jiang was born 4g. You pour the warm water into two bowls, one bowl was excellent, divided into 2-3 drinks per day.
Cure food poisoning, abdominal pain, vomiting, there are cases of severe abdominal pain with defecation fluid, body expression of dehydration, electrolyte disorders, rapid pulse, blood pressure below normal: root Galangal 16g, 10g imperial ventures, sea beans 12g, 12g White Atractylodes, nostalgic paint 16g, 12g humiliation, born Jiang (roasted) 10g, 10g cardamom, cinnamon 6g, 10g injection workshop, on sale 8g mode. For you to warm, pour 3 bowls, bowls sharp 1.5 3 divided doses (from 2 hours to drink 1 times).
Cure "contextual description" is just about 5 am to go outside, when you want it to go away, do not stop it, loose stools, body weakness, stomach cold, cold limbs.
Cause positive spleen and kidney damage.
Use all medications: 16g dried galangal root, crane area 12g, 12g Belgian contingent, specific paint 12g, 16g skeptical paint, try just 10g, Eucommea (why salt) 12g, 10g launch electronic, transparent Atractylodes (star loess) 16g, 12g post-sketch, sold to phase 10g, 10g bare packaging, Jiang was born 6g, cinnamon 10g, 10g injection workshop. Sac drink on one scale, 10-12 days as a course.
Medicinal massage
Cu dried galangal 20g, 16g event millennium, cinnamon 24g, 20g Calamus, ceiling packaging (stars) 16g, nuts Gac (yellow star) 20g. The small crown, placed in glass bottles, poured Alcohol to soak.
After 10 days may be used. Get in drug swab, rub on sore, combined day, press lightly. Used in the case of bone pain aches order falls, trauma, pain and swelling of the joints, sciatica, pain localized ...

2 nhận xét:

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