
Some common mistakes when treating intestinal diseases

Many people treat diarrhea, bloating, constipation ... experience with oral medication or self-purchase. The way it is often difficult to treat severe, recurrent, even can cause serious complications.
Here are some common mistakes in the treatment of intestinal diseases:
1. Eat tart, spicy hot to treat diarrhea, abdominal cold

When diarrhea, many people often eat fruits like guava tart, green persimmons ... to take it apart. In some cases, this treatment is effective tips for acrid, narrow in on the astringent fruits lining of the stomach and intestines, reduced secretion, help curb diarrhea. At the same time, the fruit provides more fiber is good for gut.

However, such measures often do not destroy root pathogens should only be temporary diarrhea, causing recurrent disease. More dangerous, if not green fruits hygiene hidden many germs. When introduced into the body, especially during intestinal weakness, we will add strength to harmful bacteria, causing digestive system as weak and can even cause poisoning.
2. Arbitrarily using drugs as directed by a doctor
When diarrhea, many people buy drugs take it apart and nausea (feeling if vomiting); constipation when they buy enema, enema drugs ... Also, some people are arbitrarily antibiotics in case of signs of intestinal bacterial vaginosis. The voluntary medication in any pathology of the digestive system is not recommended.
Treating constipation, diarrhea medication only create effective "virtual" is a measure of the situation rather than treating the root. More dangerous, if unfortunate food poisoning or infections caused by diet, drugs for patients that can not vomiting or diarrhea to excrete the toxic condition was much more serious. Even the worm medication voluntarily when abdominal pain can also cause gut, danger to life.
3. Fasting or abstinence excessive
Flatulence, abdominal distention caused many anorexia. Diarrhea, intestinal infection with symptoms: just eat as abdominal cramps, diarrhea must also give patients even feel afraid to eat. The causes which made many people skipping meals, fasting rice, not interested in food as digestive diseases.
Also, to cure, many people abstain excessive: only eat lean meat, do not eat eggs, milk, fish, grease ... It makes the body weakness because not enough nutrients, the ability was poorly absorbed the weaker should not have the power to resist disease.
4. Drinking vinegar or salt water to wash the gut
Vinegar and salt water cleaning effect and mild detergent. Therefore, when suspected food poisoning or food poisoning, some people voluntarily taking food out to wash the gut. This method is very dangerous because they can erode the stomach, causing damage to the pancreas, liver, kidney ... Not to mention, vinegar can upset the digestive function of the stomach, leading to anorexia , bloating, belching and stomach heavier excavation.
5. Drink and antibiotics and enzymes
Antibiotics and enzymes are effective treatment and support treatment of intestinal diseases, but they should not be taken simultaneously. Antibiotics that kill bacteria, even beneficial bacteria, so the drink comes a time will compromise the efficacy of the enzyme. Usually, two drugs should drink about 2 hours apart.
6. Wait for self-limiting diseases
Given that abdominal pain, bloating is caused by infections, the elimination of toxins out through the toilet so much ill will from the subjective, self-limiting diseases wait. That was a mistake. The disease gets worse for a long time, even dangerous complications to life with a number of diseases like appendicitis, cancer, tumors abdomen ...

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