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Diseases of the digestive strange that people familiar Office

From  to esophageal cancer

Dr. Tran Ngoc Luu, Head of Unit Intervention digest - Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital (HCM), 10-20% of patients with gastrointestinal examination was diagnosed with GERD. This disease is especially prone to the office, due to specific work habits affect work, regularly: staying up late, do not drink enough water, skip breakfast, eating too fast, eating more dinner, parties with alcohol, spicy food ...

Work stress, improper diet office hours makes people susceptible to gastrointestinal disease
"86% of people with heartburn and GERD said indigestion are two main symptoms. In addition, there

Prevention of gastrointestinal disorders like?

Gastrointestinal disorder (RLTH) easily lead to adverse health consequences, especially in the elderly (NCT). Most RLTH can actually be prevented if proper care.
The common gastrointestinal disorder
RLTH is a very common disease in the elderly, because, as advanced age, and low resistance are many diseases that can attack. Many elderly or their descendants or complained grandparents, my parents often

Prevention of gastrointestinal disorders for children

Gastrointestinal disorders such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea ... are symptoms that children often encounter, and many mothers worry about this problem. But really these symptoms can completely prevented by an appropriate diet and suitable for children. The following are notes to help prevent the symptoms mother digestive disorders for children:
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1 / So baby foods at ages (from 6 months), not less than 6 months old baby eat seafood, whole-grain

Digestive Disease Prevention for Children in winter

In winter, when their immune system decline, viruses, bacteria have a chance to penetrate into the body attacks the weak organ systems of children caused gastrointestinal diseases.

gastrointestinal disease prevention for children in winter
Cold weather makes children more prone to gastrointestinal diseases
In winter, the weather is erratic, while moist air, while dry conditions are very favorable for bacteria and virus development, long-term survival. In addition, the severe weather of winter makes the immune system of

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