
Digestive Disease Prevention for Children in winter

In winter, when their immune system decline, viruses, bacteria have a chance to penetrate into the body attacks the weak organ systems of children caused gastrointestinal diseases.

gastrointestinal disease prevention for children in winter
Cold weather makes children more prone to gastrointestinal diseases
In winter, the weather is erratic, while moist air, while dry conditions are very favorable for bacteria and virus development, long-term survival. In addition, the severe weather of winter makes the immune system of
the body is often impaired children than in other seasons. This is the reason for bacteria easily penetrate into the baby's body, causing diseases of the digestive, respiratory ...
For children when bacteria, virus attack, the resistance of the young fledgling incomplete or against pathogens facilitate pathogenic microorganisms attack on small parts be weak in children. In children, due to incomplete digestion, bowel wall was thin - weak, when the invading bacteria, digestive tract vulnerable to infection. Now toxins through the intestinal wall easily penetrate the blood, causing poisoning, diarrhea ...
In addition, some bad habits in children (sucking up, sucking objects ...) as well as the causes of gastrointestinal disease in the winter. When performing such bad habits, risk exposure and children infected with a lot of germs, viruses, worms eggs, causing gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders.
On the other hand at the time of the winter, cold air causing bacteria, virus activity diarrhea (rotavirus, E. coli). Because a child's digestive system development is not complete, the less resistance there is no sense of hygiene should be susceptible to this virus attack. They are fast and strong attack on the digestive system of the young fledgling, causing severe diarrhea and severe dehydration.
gastrointestinal disease prevention for children in winter
The basic principle prevention for children
To help with the digestive system healthy in winter, parents need to adhere to the following principles:
- Increasing resistance for children with nutrition: Want a good digestive system of young children will need help strengthen resistance. Since then the child will increase health, prevent bacteria when they want to penetrate into the body. Want to do so parents need to give children the best source of nutrition. It should provide for children diet rich in nutrition, variety of foods such as vegetables, fruits, cereals ... on the daily menu for children to help balance nutrition. Additional enough water, vitamins necessary for the child's body. In the process of raising children, to ensure that the latter have a healthy digestive system, the mother should perform breast feeding for at least the first 6 months of life.
- Children should be encouraged to enhance physical activities: These activities will help children improve health - resistance against bacteria, virus.
- Full vaccination for children: To prevent and eliminate the risk of gastrointestinal infections, parents should take the child to the health facility for vaccination full of vaccine needed.
Create the habit of good personal hygiene to children: Parents should guide children to have a habit of keeping the body clean hygiene, especially hand washing must often with antibacterial soap before eating and after using the bathroom Birth.
- Ensure hygiene in the process of care: In terms of bacterial, viral activity, apart from children themselves must pay attention hygiene, parents also need to raise awareness of this issue. Those family members should wash their hands with antibacterial soap as childcare, especially when feeding and before cooking to protect young adults from intermediate stages of infection.

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