

Eating is how we maintain and enjoy your life, but hidden in the digestive process while you enjoy delicious food is the interesting fact that not everyone knows.
1. 9 meters is the length of the entire digestive system in an adult, starting from the mouth, then the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, and finally the anus. The reason for the digestive system have been impressive length is due to the winding twisted and folded.
2. The function of the intestine not only where the final digest food, absorb nutrients, and help
remove wastes from the body, but also the "brains" of the body's immune system because 70 % of immune cells in the gut focus. To keep your immune system working well, should use probiotics as fermented milk drink to nourish the beneficial bacteria in the gut.
3. Bacteria in the mouth longer than bacteria on the skin, an average of 100 million per milliliter of bacteria in saliva, with 700 different species, including non-pathogenic bacteria and bacteria diseases, such as bacteria causing bad breath, tooth decay. The oral bacteria exist on the surface of the teeth and in between teeth. Most bacteria are destroyed when entering the stomach. However, keeping good oral hygiene is beneficial for oral health, prevent diseases of the gums and teeth.
4. Translate your stomach acid secreted by the stomach to digest food. At the same time, they act as "first chemical shield" against the entry of harmful bacteria from the external environment through the mouth.
5. In each milliliter of gastric acid gastric acid resistance of about 100-1000 bacteria living in extreme stomach. They form a group of microorganisms endogenous stomach. The acid-resistant bacteria can survive in the harsh stomach environment to reach the small intestine duty to support digestion.
6. Translate your bile into the duodenum is secreted by the liver, its function is not only digest the fat but also constitutes the "second chemical barrier" against the entry of harmful bacteria from the inside in addition to oral ..
7. There are about 100 trillion bacteria in the intestinal tract. According to experts, the rate of scientific ideal balance of intestinal bacteria is the amount of 85% good bacteria and bad bacteria is 15%.
The human body is a masterpiece of nature, understand and respect your body, to enjoy the fun. That is life.

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