Gastrointestinal disorders make you feel uncomfortable, reduced quality of life. There are many people who have digestive disorders but did not know. Here are some signs to help you identify an easier way.
Digestive disorders often cause symptoms such as abdominal pain , flatulence, heartburn or nausea ... Here are some of the main symptoms:
1. Change of bowel habit
While progress may seem slow but progressive symptoms, the patient felt a stomach ache into bouts with constipation date, with date of diarrhea . Regular bowel movements are not like before. There are many more people with constipation or diarrhea more and vice versa.
2. Colic
Intense ache or pain usually occurs in the lower left abdomen but may change at different places. A few cases reported pain spreading to the back.
3. Flatulence
This is the typical symptoms of digestive disorders. As it often distended stomach, belching continuous or flatus more
4. Other symptoms
Some other symptoms appear, such as heartburn, bad breath, nausea or vomiting ...
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