
Prevention of digestive disorders

Summer is hot and prone to rancidity food, bacteria can multiply and conditions for development, the number of people suffering from digestive disorders also increase. Gastrointestinal disorders causing annoyance to have, causing the body to fatigue, restlessness and decreased quality of life. The following article refers to the prevention of digestive disorders effectively.
Cách phòng bệnh rối loạn tiêu hóa
Digestive disorders are rife makes you tired, take them to prevent illness before
The characteristic signs of gastrointestinal disorders abdominal pain sometimes shady forest smoldering
sometimes intermittent cramping, and bowel habit changes. Most people with digestive disorders frequently seen bloating, flatulence, sometimes with nausea, bitter mouth, heartburn, heartburn ...
Cách phòng bệnh rối loạn tiêu hóa
Eat plenty of green vegetables
To help the digestive system can be stable and balanced, you should change your diet. The first element is food hygiene and food safety, food cooked and boiled drinking foods of dubious origin, the food should not harbor bacteria, in the refrigerator too long or food street food of unknown origin. Avoid some specific foods such as onions, garlic, cabbage, basil, celery, raisins, prunes ... milk is good for health, but if you are experiencing digestive problems should avoid away from them because lactose is indigestible components to the digestive tract is not healthy. Stay away from fried food greasy.
Cách phòng bệnh rối loạn tiêu hóa
The drinks are not good for your digestive system
Limit soft drinks, coffee, cakes or candy sugar canned food prepared ....
Eating your meals, chew carefully before swallowing to prevent stomach to work. Adding more vegetables in the daily diet, reduce meat and protein rich foods ...
Besides, the exercise and sport science in moderation and also extremely beneficial for your digestive system, it helps them become stronger. Exercise is not only good for the heart strong, muscular activity which helps balance the secretion of digestive enzymes as well as balance peristalsis.
Cách phòng bệnh rối loạn tiêu hóa
Want a healthy digestive system, you should also hard exercise
Hygienic environment around, keep your hands clean by washing hands before preparing food, before eating and after using the toilet ...
Above is how to prevent digestive disorders effectively. If you acquired the securities of gastrointestinal disorders, they make you tired, pale, tasteless and health should be reduced to a hospital for doctor visits and treatment. The drug should not drink at home but do not have a doctor's appointment.

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